He found Port Phasmatys and has made a deal with Necrovarus to get local goods for the town. Store Owner: The salesman is one of a few people who have escaped Meiyerditch to find a peaceful life. Local Wares for the Weary Location: Another salesman who is on the docks. Over the years has become very nonchalant and laid back and sells runes that he has stockpiled through the years. Store Owner: The owner of the stall is a ghost who was a once Dagon’hai mage researching the properties of the Ectoplasm for magic when he got trapped in the town by Necrovarus’s barrier. The ghostly owner will set up his stall and shop right in the center of the town. Mind, Body, and Soul Shop Location: In the open area when you enter the city. Also prices can always be changed and this idea doesn’t have to enter the game in exactly this way. Also the prices I am giving are so no one really profits from training prayer (effective ectofuntus/prayer training will still be a money sink). Please note that most of these prices are based on current grand exchange values and are based on the fact that 25gp=1 ecto-token (At least!).
With this update many of the stores could be used to sell future Halloween rewards that are no longer obtainable from their retrospective events like the cremation ability, the ectoplasmator, and ghostly essence. There will also be rewards for fashion-scapers by allowing players to buy ghost weave, an item that was discontinued from the SOF, that allowed you to make different ghost outfits and unlock an emote and title. This includes the ability to unlock a new Prayer Urn, a blessed cremation sparker that improves cremation, the ability to store both the ectoplasmator and the upgraded ectoplasmator in the toolbelt, and two new farming patches that would be unlocked by paying Alice. This revamp also includes a number of permanent unlocks and cosmetics that would serve as an ecto-token sink. The Proposal: This is the ecto-token revamp I propose: An addition of 5 stores with different wares. Also buying all the new rewards would be 46k ecto-tokens total which is a good amount for the currency. After surveying a number of clanmates and friends the highest stockpile I heard of was 9k ecto-tokens. Note that these prices are before accounting for price changes, the cost of buckets, and the effort taken to fill buckets of slime and grinding bones.Īm I worried people who have stockpiled ecto-tokens will profit from this update? No, because they probably spent a lot more gp using the ectofuntus in the past and most people haven’t stockpiled the currency due to their worthlessness. The price I would value the ecto-tokens would be an average of these two ashes: 130gp for most rewards. The cost of using standard prayer training remains, infernal ashes, is 236.2 gp per ecto-token. I am hoping to change that and encourage a greater use of the ectofuntus.Īnalytics on value of an ecto-token given input: According to current Grand Exchange Prices a single ecto-token is worth (at least) 24.8 gp per ecto-token due to the cost of the lowest priced ectofuntus item (impious ashes: 124gp). Despite ecto-tokens being the currency of Port Phasmatys, most traders and npcs in the city use coins anyways meaning that their existence is useless. The ecto-token is the single most useless currency in the game, especially if you have completed Ghost’s Ahoy. Looking at those currencies there is one that is deader them all: The Ecto-Token. Introduction: With the release of the currency pouch we have been reminded of a number of currencies that continue to exist in Runescape that serve little to no use. This is something probably the ninja team could tackle if they wanted to. There are only 5 new npcs and two new items proposed at the least. Note: Before reading this note that this entire proposed update requires minimal graphic artists for the update.