Actually I could have done that myself if the code was available. Admittedly this involved reprogramming eproms but after all they are supposed to be the main agents. Followed by more muttering and a more emphatic no. What I heard in the back ground while the person I was asking tried to find out more information was interesting.
I once wanted a meade software upgrade and phone telescope house. I have the feeling that may be the outcome in the UK James but not so sure in the US for instance going on comments on web.

Fine if some one knows where it can be done otherwise a bit of a problem. The aspect that has put me off making any sort of refractive optic is coating. Just a few screws and a retaining ring in fact. From looking at the scope there is a slight possibility that the corrector is shimmed into position but I doubt it. The seller seems to think otherwise so will have to see. I believe the problem will be that the scope will have to be upgraded to edge spec's as that may be all they can supply. Mirror projects the grid and if correct the grid lines will be straight. One way of doing that is via the main mirror and a grid on the focal surface. It is possible to grind the profile but very messy. All according to various books - folk law maybe who knows. No one is entirely sure how he did it only that he was unhappy with grinding and polishing a profile on it. Some people think Schmidt discovered this technique himself. All that is then needed is a tool with the correct radius of curvature on it and the "vodoo" to maintain that curve while it is ground and polished into the blank. A factory may have a performed part to suck the blank into but it's such a strange shape maybe not. It's better to use oil etc as it isn't compressible. The catch is when air is used to suck down the blank. There are "sums" for the vacuum corrector plate method and it can be very precise. I'm really sorry about your bad luck though, naturally.

I've taken correctors out for cleaning and put them back. My 'real world' solution would be to send it somewhere with an optical bench (Telescope House? Orion Optics?) and just ask them to fit a standard 'spare part' corrector. Ralf's an optical engineer by profession, though. I've looked through this instrument and it is utterly stunning. He made his own new ones and, while he was about it, reground the primaries to Edge spec and extended the focal length to make them into binoculars.

Our friend and guest Ralf Ottow bought a couple of C11s with broken plates from a dealer. I dare say they are rotated to give an optimal result and marked, but opticians grinding away at individual mirrors and correctors and testing them, then pulling them apart and trying again, seems unlikely in a mass propduced scope. I'm a little skeptical about this 'matched to the mirror' claim. In the US it seems Celestron have a technical department. Sherwoods are well outside of B'ham now too. They look like they are simply bolted together as well. The problem may be that they can only offer the latest optics. There was a UK company refiguring them some years ago so I suspect they are both all spherical designs really. My understanding is that Celestron use an all spherical design and Meade may do otherwise. This isn't to say that the optics don't come in matched sets though. If anyone want to make any schmidt types I can tell them the best way to go about making a corrector plate but can't help with the maths. If anything is "done by hand" it's almost bound to be the main mirror so I don't go along with many comments on the web. Being an avid shall I make one I do know something about corrector plates. There is all sorts of things about on the web. In real terms if it's tracked there is no point insuring. The biggest problem with this sort of thing is that carriers just wont insure telescopes.