Last, task the students with practicing the strategy on their own.Then have students practice the strategy collaboratively (in pairs, for example).Work with students to practice the procedure as a class or in groups.To build their understanding and independent skills transfer (application), you can follow this process: The goal is for students to successfully cite text evidence independently, but this will take some time, guidance, and practice. I would recommend using the Gradual Release of Responsibility model for teaching the Text Talker procedure. You’ll notice there aren’t many differences between skills in the three grades. Win-win! This strategy works for teaching and practicing the following TEKS, which I’ve turned into “I can” statements for grades three through five. The strategy correlates with TEKS and is good practice for the STAAR test. You’ll notice in her blog entry, Jen taught the Common Core State Standards, but this isn’t a problem. I do want to say that this strategy is geared toward upper elementary however, it can be adapted to lower grade levels by adjusting the procedure and providing students with an appropriately-leveled text. It was a big win, and I want to share the strategy with you, or a version/adaptation of it, in hopes you will have a similar experience. This strategy laid out a straightforward procedure for me to teach and a path that helped my students reach mastery.

Students ASKING to cite text evidence? I’ll take it. Emily, are we going to do Text Talkers today? Are we? When are we going to do Text Talkers?” And it was awesome. They frequently asked (okay, constantly), “Ms. When I tell you my students loved this strategy, I mean my students LOVED it. Jen Jones led the session I attended, and I left in awe of her amazing knowledge, struck by her engaging personality, and with so many exciting, new resources that it was hard for me to not use them all the next day.

Around six years ago, when I was teaching second grade, I attended a conference and learned a “ Text Talker” strategy for teaching text-based evidence skills.